Backtracking nanoplastics sampled in the abyssal South Atlantic
This work was published in Ocean and Coastal Research with the title “Identifying the origins of nanoplastics in the abyssal South Atlantic using backtracking Lagrangian simulations with fragmentation (2024)” by C.M. Pierard, F. Meirer and E. van Sebille.
Supporting Animations
Video 1. The animation shows a backward-in-time simulation of PET nanoplastics sampled at \(5000 \ m\) deep in Cape Basin, South Atlantic Ocean, with a fragmentation scale of \(\lambda_f = 1000\) days. The blue color scale shows the sea surface height of the ocean, to represent the circulation patterns at the surface. The particle color shows the depth at which the respective particles are. When particles reach the surface at \(0 \ m\) they reach the origin and they stop moving. Continental Africa is shown in gray.
Video 2. 3D animation of the trajectory of a single particle going backwards in time, from sampling location at 32.171ºS, 6.28ºE (South Atlantic Ocean), \(-5000 \ m\) deep. The color scale show the diameter of the particle throught time.
Video 3. Backwards in time animation of the temperature at -3597 m deep with the position of the non-fragmenting PET particles with radiuses ranging from \(5 \ nm\) to \(500 \ nm\), sampled at 32.171ºS, 6.28ºE, -5000m deep.